Satanists or Christians? Who is being more like Jesus?

The terrorist attacks in Paris are a terrible tragedy, and have become the catalyst for some high intensity response to the ISIS movement throughout Europe, the Middle East, and all over the world. The entire world is watching, the entire world is on the edge of their seat anticipating what is next in the coming days, weeks, months and years.

It is in perilous times such as these that people are more receptive to hope, people are more receptive to altering their trajectory in life, people are more receptive to change, guidance and influence. It is in perilous times like these that I so desperately yearn for the Church, the Bride of Christ, the Community of Believers Worldwide to step up to the plate and be the loudest voice of Love, Grace, Acceptance, Forgiveness and Justice. It is in perilous times like these that I so desperately yearn for the Church, the Bride of Christ, the Community of Believers Worldwide to be initiating the conversation of reconciliation, to be spearheading a movement of service and relief, to be spearheading a movement of hope, to be spearheading a movement of love.

Instead, I open my computer in the morning, and time after time my Facebook feed is flooded ‘Christians’ who are spewing hate and judgment and wrath in the form of status updates. I see ‘Christians’ sharing articles and blog posts that are political propaganda, and simultaneously anti-Biblical. I see ‘Christians’, who by their very own proclamation are ‘Followers of Christ’, listening to the voice of the Fear Driven Media Monster of America, rather than the calm still voice of the Holy Spirit.

I was going to refrain from entering the conversation through the anonymity and cowardice of the internet, until I opened my computer this morning and saw an article that was praising the forward thinking of the Satanic Temple in response to the terrorist attacks, and the impact it’s having on the Muslim population in America.


It absolutely broke my heart, that the Satanic Temple is taking the lead, and being the example, as the entire world is watching, while the Followers of Jesus allow Fear and Ignorance to drive their hate filled messages from behind their keyboards and monitors!

My prayer is that Christians would live up to their name and calling, they would live up to their proclamation and declaration of faith, they would actually Follow Christ and his teachings as outlined in Scripture, rather than allowing the voice of a fear driven culture monopolize the real estate of their hearts and minds. My prayer is that Politics, and Media would not choke out the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that the Church would begin LEADING instead of FOLLOWING!

Because the world is watching…

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